Big Heinrich


Once upon a long, long, not all that long time ago, in a small German village near Ulm, lived big Heinrich. A gloomy fellow, everyone was afraid of him. Everyone, that is, except little Heinke. But is that really such a good thing?

Directed by Kim Collmer and Lars Kreyßig, this dark fairy tale asks us to considers what might happen when adults ignore responsibility and leave children to fend for themselves. A modern-day fable, especially pertinent in these times.

Audio in German with English subtitles.

Director: Kim Collmer, Lars Kreyssig
Animator: Kim Collmer
Story & Narration: Lars Kreyssig
Music: Can Erdogan
Sound design: Florian Schwalb & Jens Eversberg
Subtitles: Isabelle Mitchell
Year: 2019
Running time: 04:04 Minutes
1920 x 1080, digital

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